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Kevin Small - Founder and President of MGI

Let me tell you my story

Never a victim, always a warrior

Mutual Group Inc was formed with one purpose, to ensure claimants receive all monies owed under the terms and conditions of the insurance policies.
You see, I, too, was a claimant. That’s right, after more than 17 years living and building a business, I suffered severe hurricane-related damages. In August of 2004, Hurricane Charlie devastated Florida. My home and businesses were in Charlie’s path. Nearly two decades to build a network of 11 Dunkin Donuts and 5 Baskin Robbins, all could have been lost in hours. The same insurance companies paid to protect my assets immediately behaved as adversaries.
I spent my carrier paying millions of dollars in premiums to find out the slogans the various companies use can frequently be no more than rhetoric. Slogans are utilized to maximize sales without substance.

After decades of paying millions of dollars in premiums, I found myself putting the insurance industry to the test. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. A parade of so-called insurance professionals from two of the insurance industry’s leading companies simply dropped the ball.
While fighting my insurance companies to pay my claim, I decided to sell my franchise businesses and open an insurance agency. While attending class to obtain my Insurance Agent License, I complained about my treatment of my insurance companies. Another student in the class suggested I hire a Public Adjuster. I replied, ”A public Adjuster, what is a public adjuster?" More importantly, Why are there public adjusters? Why do the insurance companies not pay their claims?
Naïve and inexperienced, I soon learned the value of a Public Adjuster.
After earning my General Lines Agent License, I decided to pursue Public Adjusting instead. In addition to Public Adjusting, I am a licensed agent, which proves invaluable when reviewing policies and coverages.

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Apartments • Hotels and Motels • Condominiums • Schools • Churches • Commercial • Residential

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